Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dermcare clinic| prices and services

Below are list of what Dermcare Clinic can offer. Have fun and enjoy while you rejuvenate and unleash that beauty inside! for Dermcare testimonial click here.


* Facial cleaning-----------------------------------------------P250
* Therapeutic facial--------------------------------------------P250
* VIP whitening facial mask-------------------------------------P 300
* -5 Sessions ( free check up after one week--------------------P 1, 200


* with Collagen mask--------------------------------------------P 300
* with Seaweeds ( Anti-oxidant mask)----------------------------P 350
* with Non Surgical Facelift------------------------------------P 400
* with Oatmeal--------------------------------------------------P 350
* Pimple/Acne treatment-----------------------------------------P 300
* -5 sessions---------------------------------------------------P 1200
* Eyebag treatment----------------------------------------------P 300
* Facial with Kojic whitening mask------------------------------P 400
* Facial with Cucumber Mask (anti aging)------------------------P 400
* Dermabrassion with Collagen infusion--------------------------P 600
* Milia extraction----------------------------------------------P 100/ piece
* Hydra oxygen facial-------------------------------------------P 500
* Jade facial rejuvenation--------------------------------------P 500
* Diamond power peel treatment----------------------------------P 700

Click here to continue reading about prices and services of Dermcare clinic! Enjoy

End of Dermcare| prices and services